All services are now being offered remotely through phone, Zoom, Google Docs, voiceover PowerPoints and your university's management system.
Let's talk about I can apply my 40 years of improvement and assessment experience working with faculty in higher education to your faculty and your institution to promote your faculty:
1. to master effective teaching strategies for teaching online, or in hybrid and face to face environments
Use of these effective teaching strategies leads to
increased student engagement
student success
ability to use content and skills in new situations and for problem- solving
inclusive teaching promoting equity for all students
2. to develop their skills using the best educational practices for higher education
such as
active learning
learner- or learning-centered teaching
problem-based learning
using authentic assessments
valid student assessments
3. in teaching improvement for all faculty
onboarding new faculty
work with faculty on an ongoing basis to teach effectively
support struggling teachers
collaborate on educational research and
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
4. to be more productive, prolific writers
practice productive writing strategies
participate in writing institute I can lead
5. to review, revise or develop new courses or curriculum
direct course design or redesign workshops
conduct curriculum mapping
identify bottlenecks that impede student success
implementing curriculum development and revision to be consistent
with the mission and vision of the institution and department
6. to move from assessment for accreditation to assessment for improvement while getting accredited
assessing student learning, and student learning outcome
conducting curriculum mapping
using assessment data to close the assessment loop
collaborate with faculty and staff to successfully complete the self-study process for accreditation especially measuring the achievement of student learning outcomes
I am flexible and can work with people in different time zones. Without travel costs, my services are more affordable to higher education institutions without enough dedicated budget for a Teaching and Learning Center
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