Publications continued

Developing Learner-Centered Teaching is an immediately usable book that provides a clear-cut framework for transitioning to learner-centered teaching. As a college teacher and teacher of teachers, Blumberg skillfully takes the reader step-by-step through a practical system, replete with practical, classroom-tested strategies, for making a course more learner-centered.

Presented as a workbook, Developing Learner-Centered Teaching by Phyllis Blumberg provides instructors, program developers, and administrators with a systematic framework for transforming any class into a more learner-centered environment.

Publications on Assessment

Blumberg, P. & Pontiggia L. Benchmarking the Degree of Implementation of Learner-Centered Approaches. Innovative Higher Education, 2011, 36 (3) 189-202.

Mostrom, A. M.; Blumberg P.  Does Learning-Centered Teaching Promote Grade Improvement?  Innovative Higher Education. 2012. 37(5): 397-405.

DOI 10.1007/s10755-012-9216-1


Blumberg, P. (2016) Assessing Implementation of Learner-Centered Teaching While Providing Faculty Development. College Teaching. 64(4): 194-203. DOI: Http://

Blumberg, P. (2017) Educational Development Efforts Aligned with the Assessment Cycle. To Improve the Academy 36 (1): 50-60 DOI: 10.1002/tia2.2005. 

Blumberg, P. (2017) Academic Program Assessment: A New Expertise for Faculty to Develop.
The Journal of Faculty Development. 31(3):1-7.

Blumberg, P. (2018) Two Underused, Best Practices for Improvement-Focused Assessments.
Research & Practice in Assessment.13 (Summer/Fall): 77-83.

Collaborating with other faculty for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Publications

Alsardary, S., Hamid, M., Pontiggia, L.  Blumberg, P. Assessing learner-centered methods of teaching mathematics to non-mathematics majors. PRIMUS – Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 2011, 21 (4), 303-315.

Smith, R., Peethambaran, B., Pontiggia, L. & Blumberg, P. (2013) Does a repeated guided instruction approach with multiple assessments increase student learning of science? Journal of Biological Education, DOI:10.1080/00219266.2013.764343 ( 

Mahalingam, M., Blumberg, P. (2019) Using Sustained Practices for Improving Student Learning Outcomes of Courses and Program Levels. The Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness.   8(1-2), 51-70.

Publications on Effective Teaching or Improving Teaching

Blumberg, P. Making Evidence-Based Practice an Essential Aspect of Teaching. Journal of Faculty Development. 2011, 26, (1) 1-6.

Blumberg, P. Teaching to increase learning. Journal of International Education and Business. 2012, 3 (1) 5-19

Blumberg, P. (2015) How Critical Reflection Benefits Faculty as They Implement Learner-Centered Teaching. In C. Stabile, and J. Ershler (Eds.) Constructivism Reconsidered in the Age of Social Media. New Directions in Teaching and Learning. Number 144. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 

Blumberg, P. (2016) Factors that Influence Faculty Adoption of Learning-Centered Approaches.
Innovative Higher Education. 41: 303-315. DOI: 10.1007/s10755-015-9346-3.

Blumberg, P (2019). Designing for an Effective Group Process in PBL Using a Learner‐Centered Teaching Approach. In Moallem, M., Hung, W., & Dabbagh, N.  (EDs.) The Wiley Handbook of Problem-Based Learning, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 343-365.

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